

Loa is a device (with a corresponding digital avatar-think Tamagotchi) that reflects the user’s overall well-being and changes its state based on the user’s state. Through taking care of Loa, the user would take care of themselves

Team Members : Ajay Rayasam ( Business) , Nava Haghighi ( Design)


Contribution: User Research, Need Finding, Concept Generation, User Testing, Prototyping, Fabrication, Development of state machine and interaction framework

Skills: Embedded Electronics, Multi Sensor Data Analysis, Interaction Design, 3D Printing and Modeling



So Many Sensors!

The final prototype used data from 5 sensors to respond with the correct interaction


Sample Interaction

Loa uses a state machine that switches states based on feedback from the user.

Loa is a device (with a corresponding digital avatar-think Tamagotchi) that reflects the user's overall well-being and changes its state based on the user's state. Through taking care of Loa, the user would take care of themselves.